Nuseed har ansatt Evy Vikene som leder for sin akvakultursatsning i Norge og Europa. Dette er en ny rolle som vil støtte introduksjonen av den unike plantebaserte Omega-3 oljen Aquaterra i de viktige norske, britiske og europeiske havbruksmarkedene. Vikene har lang erfaring fra havbruksnæringen, og har jobbet mer enn 25 år i Skretting-konsernet, senest som […]
In December, the New England Aquarium and SeaAhead, a public benefit corporation that supports sustainable innovations that benefit ocean environments, released their joint whitepaper on “Aquafeed Innovation: Investment Opportunities for Responsible Aquaculture.” The paper highlights the potential for and necessity of developing new technologies to serve the aquafeed needs of the aquaculture industry. As noted […]
Perú cancela la primera temporada de anchoveta del 2023, lo que pone de relieve la necesidad de diversificar las cadenas de suministro de omega 3 Desde mayo, el Gobierno de Perú ha enviado señales de advertencia de que la primera temporada de anchoveta del año estaba en problemas. La industria ha estado muy pendiente del país, […]
This time of year, thousands of fishers are typically out to sea off the coast of Peru to bring in the semi-annual anchovy catch. But right now, the anchovy boats are docked in Lima. Since May, Peru’s government has been sending warning signs that the first anchovy season of the year was in trouble. The […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE West Sacramento, CaliforniaJune 28, 2023 Nuseed Nutritional US Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nufarm Limited (ASX:NUF), welcomes the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s (NFSA) decision to grant the approval of Aquaterra® Omega-3 oil for use in fish feed applications. Aquaterra is derived from Nuseed® Omega-3 Canola – the world’s first plant-based source of […]
The large amounts of fish oil used by the aquaculture industry has traditionally been sourced from small fish which inhabit the mid-depths of the open ocean known as the pelagic zone. However, the rapid growth of aquaculture has outpaced the renewable rate of these wild marine resources. Consequently, researchers around the globe have been developing […]
En un estudio reciente, publicado en la revista Frontiers in Nutrition, los expertos de la seguridad de los productos volvieron a avalar el aceite de canola con omega 3 de Nuseed. En este caso, la revista de alto impacto y arbitrada se centra en la nutrición, las dietas sostenibles y la salud humana. El estudio concluye […]
In a recent study published in the Frontiers in Nutrition journal, Nuseed Omega-3 Canola oil was once again endorsed by experts for product safety. In this case, the peer-reviewed, high-impact journal focuses on nutrition, sustainable diets, and human health. The study concludes Nuseed Omega-3 Canola oil and meal are safe to consume in human foods, […]
In honor of World Oceans Month, Aquaterra is working with the UN to remind everyone of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. Oceans are a major source of food and medicine and a critical part of the biosphere. The ocean covers over 70% of the planet and produces at least 50% of […]
Nuseed Nutritional is now a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact. Aquaterra® by Nuseed Nutritional supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Aquaterra® is committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations, and […]